And since Dallas is a thriving metropolis full of grocery stores and Monroe trip becomes an opportunity for me to look for hard to find food stuff for my dear husband. If you don't know John, he's one real trip and while I was in Dallas, he sent me, in the form of a business letter, an email list of “weird foods” he wanted me to cart home.
Here's the email in case people don't believe me.
Hi Lisa,
I hope your having a great trip. Here is a list of the things I was interested in from the grocery store:
Klass Jamaica Hibiscus flavored drink mix (15.9 oz bag)
Klass Horchata Rice and cinnamon flavored drink mix (15.9 oz bag)
GOYA Coconut water (several cans)
and if Central Market has some kind of carbonated Guarana drink, that would be good too but if you don't find it easily don't worry about it
Thanks very much.
Love you and have a great rest of the trip
Except for the love you at the end, he could have been ordering this off of eBay.
Well after much searching through Central Market, (I hate that store) it was determined that although they have lots of weird food, they didn’t have John’s weird food which caused us to continue to look elsewhere. And while Becky and I were looking elsewhere, it seems that Melanie had an epiphany of sorts if you will. For some reason, it took her leaving home and the sanctuary of her back yard to realize that her wind chimes in her back yard no longer chime. Which of course led me to ask the question, “Ummmmm what?” I don’t know why she came to this random conclusion while sitting in the back seat of her own car in the dark of night in a Dallas store parking lot. But surely she did and was quite worked up about the whole thing. How do you spell cuckoo? Anyway we talked her off the roof about her "tragedy" (use the air quotes here) and all was back to “normal” (once again). If that’s possible.
And then there was the rat incident that occurred in Garden Ridge....better known to all of us as El Grande. As Billie June was scootering off in the distance in that huge store, Carrie, Becky, Melanie and I were picking out ceramic pumpkins for ourselves. Well thank God unbeknowst to Becky sitting there in the midst of the fall decorations happened to be a huge fuzzy fake rat on the shelf and when it finally caught Rebecca's eye, she did very hurriedly try to climb over Melanie in order to escape the not real vermin. I sadly caught just the very end of the skirmish but it was an enjoyable highlight of the weekend. This incident in Dallas could be considered foreshadowing as I did in the week to come suffer my own comeuppance with the stupidity that is Halloween. Read on and you'll see.
Now it's always a rough transition for me to come home from being out of town and trying to get back into the swing of everyday life. I'd much rather be independently wealthy and shop A LOT but so far that's not happened. But if it ever does, I’ll immediately and without hesitation outfit my entire existence from Pottery Barn. And if I can’t find it there then I’ll scoot right over to Restoration Hardware. So, if I ever hit the lottery and turn up missing for a few days, you’ll find me in the P Barn spending money faster than a speeding train through the countryside.
When I got home Sunday night, I immediately had to put on my Mom/editor’s hat to help Owen write a paper about A Tale of Two Cities as well as The Chronicles of Narnia. And after reading a small amount of the 2 cities book once again I found myself asking the question, "Ummmmm what?" It makes no sense. And who really cares anyway? I don't. But Owen's teacher Mrs. Tucker does indeed. So before the end of the evening he and I had completed the paper that could be turned in for a bonus point situation so that when he bombed the Tale of Two Cities book test, he had some back-up. Now I’m not being cruel when I say that, I'm just being realistic. Of all the good grades Owen’s made this year, A Tale of Two Cities has kicked his butt. But even so, presently he’s officially a straight A student.
Another "happening" while I was away for the weekend, my daughters, Caitlin and Olivia (I really don’t think Emma was involved) made the cutest fall harvest house I’ve ever seen. These girls love to make a sugary confection in the form of a small home. Have a look and see for yourselves.
The week started off with me decorating my house for fall and so far I’m pleased with my efforts. It may be my favorite decorations of all the seasons. I love a pumpkin and a scarecrow.
But then John’s truck needed a new water pump that same day and even though he likes weird food, he’s quite handy in the Mr. fix it department. So on Monday afternoon, he began the work on his truck and by early evening I found myself being the official flashlight holder so he could finish his job. In case you’ve never been an official flashlight holder for a mechanic, it’s not fun AT ALL. There’s lots of stuff under the hood of a truck and I find that I’m not interested in any of it. John however likes to show me what the thingy is and where it goes and what it does. I don’t care. I just want to put the key in the ignition, turn the car on and go to Pottery Barn. That’s what cars are take us where dreams are born. ALSO I get distracted VERY easily and when I got distracted, the light followed me to my distraction and not so much under the hood. And as I was seeing stuff over here and stuff over there, I got a little smouch of grease on me. Now that’s not cool. Strangely enough John had no sympathy for my smouch of grease seeing as how his hands were completely covered in black at the time. But I’m happy to report that my smouch came off with a little soap and water...his not so much. Needless to say, my car repair “helper” status was a definite step down from eating at Fernando’s in Dallas while hoping George and Laura Bush just happen to pop in for a bite and see me and immediately know we should be the best of didn’t happen this time either. Maybe someday.
Tuesday a group of us went to see the movie Secretariat...maybe the best movie ever made. I want to move to Kentucky or Virginia and buy a horse farm and have a Secretariat. If I do, I’ll have to fly to Dallas and buy all my horse stuff at Pottery Barn for horses. I’m certain it exists somewhere besides my mind.
Also while at the movie, I saw the previews for The Sound of Music Sing-a-long coming to a theater near Whitney. I fully expect her to participate when and if it arrives in Monroe. In fact if it doesn’t come here, I expect her to drive to any town so that she can participate. Can you just see her standing in the theater singing at the top of her lungs with Julie..."the hills are alive..." This could be my dream come true, lots of people singing badly for my entertainment. Lord knows I love terrible singing that’s not intended to be terrible. I may have to attend this as well, but if it’s just people sitting in their seats singing that’s not gonna be good enough. It has to be belted out with feeling and terribleness.
Here's the email I sent to inform her of one of her dreams coming true:
Me:Whitney do you know about the sound of music sing a long event coming to theaters??
Whitney:GASP!!! NOOOOO!!!!!! When?! Where?!
Me:I'm not sure when maybe November?? I told Emma omg Whitney will need to do that!
And each time I see her "expression" in an email in the form of the word GASP, it makes me laugh every single time. Because I'm absolutely sure that when she read it she did audibly gasp out of sheer excitement/shock/thrill...and it amuses me.
Then yesterday I was accosted by Halloween as Owen and I were going to get gasoline and while we were sitting at a red light I glanced over and nearly swallowed my goozle when I saw a dismembered foot sticking out of the back of the car next to us. Dismembered feet sticking out of cars is not normal. Stupid Halloween...
And since I've been home lots of studious studying is being done by my children this week as they have about 400 tests between the 4 of them. And as for me, as the week speeds by I’ve washed and folded lots of clothes. Dirty clothes never ever go away. Just when I get everything washed, someone HAS to wear something. It’s a vicious cycle.
Also last night I watched Giuliana and Bill. They make me laugh and cry. I really like them. I'm rooting for them to make it in every way.
And as I close I want to include a quote from Olivia from this week, “You know I was thinking about the term “old money.” I’m thinking I need to get me some of that.”
Yes Olivia we do and then we can go shopping at the P Barn.
it's everything i hoped it would be!! and i too love the pottery barn!
Hahahaha so good. NOW my indignation about the chimes began with me remembering that it was AUSTIN AND JEFFERY that caused my old chimes to die. Let's just say the words BB gun. As I type this I'm outside and huh these wind chimes do make some noise just gotta be pretty strong winds. The rat incident was great Becky is always a good scare to observe. John sounds much nicer than holding a flashlight for Dale 40 hrs ago cause when the light moved he WAS NOT HAPPY. Love the fall deco the house is my screen saver it is sooooo cute.
I am sure that people were looking at me today while on lunch break trying to read this. I was laughing so hard I cried. I had to stop to get back to work. The wind chimes had me rolling....too too funny!!! And I love the girls work of art!!
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