On the other hand, John ascribes to the, "my car smells like a gym locker and I'm proud of it" school of thought. In fact, John's truck began to stink 6 seconds after it became his. There's trash in there from 2006 and he cares not. His truck has never seen the car wash or a dustbuster and his sun visor is a filing cabinet of papers. Owen found animal bones in his truck once...not even gonna ask how or why.
And even though this is way off the subject, I recall long ago John coming home VERY excited that he had found a dead raccoon just around the corner from our house and he quickly informed me he intended to go scoop it up with a shovel, bring it home, and "use it" for tying fishing flys. And yes I did cuss when I said, "If you think you are bringing some balankity blank road kill home to our blankity blank house you can go blankity blank blank blank."
He was stunned at my reaction. To him, road kill was a usable asset. To me.......ummmm no. The dead coon DID NOT make an appearance at our home.
You have to draw the redneck line somewhere.
For me, it's roadkill becoming personal property.
If you think about the pairing of men and women for very long, the conclusion always is...God really must have a tremendous sense of humor .
BUT....Keith's not one for picking up road kill. I've never asked him that specifically but it's a given that's not his forte.
So back to the subject at hand.
I'll give Keith a shout out for cleanliness.
But this means nothing in regards to your Christmas present.
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