Green Team
John and Owen
(Owen trying to extricate himself from his father's arm for fear of being kissed or hugged.)
As you can see, the boys didn't coordinate.....shocking. Although, I think Owen arbitrarily picked green because that's the color he happened to be wearing that day. And people may not know this about John but the only time he actually tries to coordinate with anyone is when he sneaks the same color as me so we end up at church in the same color, which he knows I HATE. I'm sorry if I offend any married coordinators but I personally don't want people coming up to me saying, "Aww yal match!" The cutesy enthusiasm causes me to want to punch people and unfortunately, that's not church worthy behavior.
The rest of the teams look cute and ready for the competition so there's no need to tease them about their outfits.
Mollie and Whitney
Carlie and Emma
Lindsey and Caitlin
OK, I could make fun of these 2 participants but I won't. These are the kind of people that come up to me at church and say, "Aww yal match!" And then I have to refrain from punching them.....cause.....remember you can't punch people at church. They did in fact win the spirit award, which had no actual prize but at least they won something....because they came in dead last. Ohh I gave the ending away!
Team pictures with some commentary.
First of all John may be in the process of grabbing Owen's butt, cause Owen looks a little nervous. Caitlin's left leg is frighteningly angled. Mollie and Whitney have the exact same pose as their individual team picture and Carlie and Emma have a laid back confidence. All in all everyone looks happy and excited.
Owen's still not comfortable with his dad so close for fear of the dad embarrassing the son. All others are good to go.
The Walkers are most confident about their ability to hold a pose. Owen's left arm is out of sight keeping John from pantsing him.
Lindsey's now coming after the camera person to try to intimidate and obfuscate which is defined by as; to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy...yeah, that looks about right. The Walkers finally got caught out of their pose and now it would seem that the rhythm is finally going to get Mollie because it appears that she's about to dance. Owen looks like he may have gotten slapped in the neck by John or maybe stung by a bee. Carlie's admiring her own shoes and Emma's thinking about taking Lindsey out. And I don't know how, but if you look behind Lindsey, Caitlin has been reduced to a total of one foot and one foot only.
Lindsey and Mollie are trying to show off muscles but that must be a joke cause....just look at those arms. A teeny tiny little itty bitty flea would not be intimidated by that. Caitlin looks as if she's thinking, "Really Lindsey? maybe Whitney and I would be better served by dumping these 2 and joining forces." Carlie and Emma are strategizing. Owen has slipped away to be free from John's pantsing and harassment. John's looking for Owen so he can continue the harassment.
More showboating with Lindsey really turning it on and Caitlin seemingly trying to pull her back. Mollie's looking hard to find her missing muscle while saying to herself, "Think, think, think where did I leave it." Or maybe, "Come on teeny tiny itty bitty can do it!" Now Emma's admiring Carlie's shoes. Carlie sees a bug on Whitney's back but because she's not her team member, she's not gonna tell her. And Whitney looks as if she's thinking, "Really Mollie? maybe Caitlin and I would be better served by dumping these 2 and joining forces."
Lindsey and Mollie are pleased with their muscle man show. They're laughing at the fact that when they tried to high 5 they missed each other. And Whitney's trying to eavesdrop in case Carlie and Emma have a good plan. Now add to Caitlin's body parts a small amount of another foot and an arm.
The place where the race began and the teams are receiving their rules. Jared came in the hope he could laugh at someone. Melanie was there strictly for documentation. Olivia's checking to make sure all her fingers came with her.
Mollie's now forgotten why she came and is beginning to play the hokey pokey...because clearly her left foot is in.
The brilliant race organizers and resident sneaks who are both sweating because it was horribly hot in the gym. Apparently there's "one thing" that's more important than all the rest of the things.
More explaining while Olivia's makes a square.
And the racers are off for their first clue. John's last. I'm not surprised. He always lets ALL the cars into traffic and they get to go first! I hate that! But right now, the orange team is almost in last place......hmmmmm
Frantically looking for the first clue that took them to the sanctuary to find the next one.
The team in first place on ULM campus? Orange.
John and Owen in second place on campus at ULM where an uncool rude and nerdy campus policewoman looking confused said, "Umm we don't allow that out here." Riiiiiight people never ride through, park their car and get out. That never happens on campus.
John's asking random cars that he passes if they'd like to go first.
Whitney trying to look like she's still trying.
Caitlin walking dejectedly.
The 4th placers or better known as last.
But I'd much rather remember them like this, the overly enthusiastic semi-dorks that bought stuff to decorate and wear for the game. If we had a spirit stick, they surely deserved it.
Part 2 will be coming tomorrow with more exciting details. (Not really but come back anyway.)
hahahahah the last two pic comparisons...
this is hysterical...i can't wait to come back tomorrow to see who wins and how it went down!!!!!! lisa, you MUST write a would be a best seller...for sure!!!!! :)
so agreed that she should write a book!! and me and caitlin looked adorable. its not all about winning!!!!
Thanks girls! Maybe someday...I'd love to write a book!
And yes Lindsey it really is all about the winning.
yes, but winning is A LOT of it. mainly IT, if i do say myself.
see it's not fun to say, 'hey, remember we had those cool outfits and.....we lost. we came in 4th. last place. 4th out of 4.'
and see me and emma can say, 'hey, remember that time we WON and looked oh so presh in our orange tees and navy shorts?'
it's more fun that way.
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